
Showing posts with label PRINCE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PRINCE. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 26, 2017


Dedication. Focus. Persistence.

 These are qualities that one must have in order to achieve your goals in life.  We will always love the soul performances from past artists (regretfully some have passed away) that have given their all on stage and in recordings.

 James Brown, Joe Tex, Patti Labelle, and Prince are just a few performers who gave fantastic shows which became the stuff of legends.  



But how many of us really know what it takes to do what they do onstage?  


How many of us would be willing to pay the price for performing the way they do?




 Constant touring and rehearsing takes a toll on the body and mind.  Imagine (in the case of Sheila E) playing drums, congas and timbales until your fingers bleed.

James Brown (starting from the late 50s, and continuing thru the 60s and early 70s) singing, dancing and screaming night after night, knees bleeding from falling to the floor 5-6 times each show.  

Screaming so hard one night that he could hardly talk the next day( he poured a small jar of honey down his throat before each show).


 Prince, who not only did splits, but did them in high heels while jumping off huge amplifiers. 
 High heel shoes and boots were also part of his daily dress wear.

They all had tremendous drive and focus to do what they did on stage.  It took a lot of stamina and will power to get on stage night after night, giving audiences their all, 

making sure when people left, they talked about THAT show!

Artists thrive on the attention of others on and off stage, dressing so they would not look like anyone else. 

Injuries, aches and pains are a big part of performing and often are ignored to the point of where they become very serious issues. 

 Anyone who plays an instrument or multiple instruments(such as guitar, keyboards, drums, etc.,) is subject to carpel tunnel syndrome in fingers and hands thru repetitive motion.

 How did James Brown fall on his knees five, six times a show night after night?  How did Prince leap from the pianos and huge amps into a split every show? 




The answer to that; MIND POWER!  These artists endured setbacks early in the career and decided that they would reach as high as they could, no matter what it took to make it!

James Brown was examined by doctors not long before he died and was found to have very little cartilage in his knees. 

He did splits and knee drops well into his 50s, till he could not do them anymore.  

Michael Jackson would practice his dance moves until his whole body ached from pain.

 I have read about more than one artist being wheeled to the edge of a stage, getting up and doing a show and getting back into the chair waiting for them.  

Al Green appeared on Soul Train with a broken arm(all he had to do was sing, enduring the pain nevertheless) and did a 

 fantastic live show!


> Even with today,s technology artists still have to prove they have what it takes to perform(to tell the truth some are selected because of their looks, not musical ability.

Whatever your goal is in life, give it your best if you want it badly enough. Just remember there is a price to be paid somewhere along the road. As James Brown used to say; "Pay the cost to be THE BOSS!"





About Me

I have been around (40+ years),grew up with and still enjoy old school soul music. I am a beginner in internet marketing and enjoy the challenge of making money on the internet.